Online recipe organizer suggestions
December 26, 2018 2:49 PM   Subscribe

I'm looking for an online recipe organizer that allows sharing (or, better yet, lets someone see my entire collection of recipes). My current solution sucks. Surely everyone uses one of these? Tell me your favorite online organization for your recipes!

I've been using for years, which predates the ubiquity of social media, and they stubbornly refuse to institute much in the way of sharing features other than the ability to email one recipe at a time (I wrote them asking about sharing, someone wrote me back saying something like "we don't think people really care about sharing recipes" WHAT). I think I can't just point someone to a recipe I clipped to onetsp, I have to email them, and my friends can't click around and browse my collection to see what else I have. I'd like them to be able to.

I'd like to tell someone "all my favorite recipes that I've clipped are on this site- here's my profile!"- basic social media type stuff. I don't want to attach it to Facebook- I think that, way back when, there used to be a FB app for recipes, no idea if those still exist.

Bonus if it will 'clip' recipes from a URL and auto-populate an ingredients and instructions field (onetsp does this). Extra bonus if I can easily cut-and-paste from there as well, or if it'll generate a printable version when desired.

I could make a giant Google Docs folder and just send that link around, but I'd prefer something with the auto-populate and formatting features that recipe organizer software and sites should have.
posted by twoplussix to Food & Drink (7 answers total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
I use pinboard (social bookmarks for introverts) for my recipe book and really like it. There are plugins for all the browsers to bookmark recipes and tag them. Years ago i used another free online site for my recipes and it went down and a lot of people migrated to pinboard. At the time it was a one time fee, so I haven't paid for it since, but it now seems to be a yearly fee of $11.00. You can make things private or public. There are no ads or anything since you are the customer and no selling of your data and no connection to facebook. Anyway, I highly recommend it!
posted by mkim at 3:58 PM on December 26, 2018 [1 favorite]

I just started using Paprika and I adore it!! It does a fantastic job of autopopulating recipes from URLs, and the menu planning function is great. You can email and print the menus. But it's not really social in the way you're looking for. You can't just let someone browse your recipes.
posted by greermahoney at 7:37 PM on December 26, 2018 [1 favorite]

I use and really like CopyMe That and it allows sharing.
posted by vespabelle at 5:41 AM on December 27, 2018

You can use Paprika to export your whole Recipe collection as a website and upload that, if you have some webspace somewhere. I do that and make it prettier with some JavaScript magic.
posted by Skybly at 9:22 AM on December 27, 2018

I also use pinboard for this, and I love it. I was briefly reluctant to pay for it but now happily do and would pay more — it's great, and it's also not going anywhere, which is a huge relief. I have all my recipes tagged with the major ingredients/genres, and pinboard also suggests tags based on the page, but it won't be quite as auto-populated as perhaps you'd like. I'd been bookmarking recipes since 2004 on delicious (RIP), and transferring them over could not have been easier.
posted by Charity Garfein at 11:50 AM on December 27, 2018

Evernote should do what you want. I keep all my recipes, knitting patterns, and other "external memory" stuff there. You can create notebooks and sub-notebooks to categorize your notes, then share any notebook with individuals by email address or via a public link. Evernote has a robust web clipper and apps for Mac, PC, Apple and Google devices, plus online access from any web browser.
posted by Joleta at 7:27 PM on December 28, 2018

Allrecipes is a free-premium site -- I only use the free parts, for which it's solid, and I just checked that I can look at the recipes of a particular user, and the users can organize them into subheadings. Didn't check if I could follow just a particular subheading .
posted by clew at 12:19 PM on January 4, 2019

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