On the market for a Task Manager app
November 21, 2018 2:44 AM   Subscribe

I'm in the market for a task manager app. I've tried paper solutions (bullet journaling), and it doesn't suit me for task managing. I'm currently using Google Tasks because it was readily available, but it is simplistic to the point of uselessness, for me. I've googled around, but there are way too many choices! Snowflake details inside.

I'm on Android. I'd prefer either a free app or one where I can pay once, rather than a subscription model.

Features I need absolutely:
* an associated website: I need to be able to access it from a computer as well as my phone
* a dark mode on the phone
* possibility to add a task by sending an email
* ability to group tasks by theme (tag/folder/list) but also to see every task regardless of theme
* notifications

Features I would like :
* integration with Google Calendar: a day event as a list of the day's tasks would be enough
* the possibility to associate a Gmail email to a task
* tags rather than folders
* add repetitive tasks, esp with less common patterns (once every two weeks, f.e)

Features I don't need:
* collaboration
* integration with apps other than GCalendar and Gmail

posted by snakeling to Computers & Internet (7 answers total) 11 users marked this as a favorite
I like Tick Tick. You can do a lot with the free version, but some features do require a subscription.
posted by jon1270 at 2:56 AM on November 21, 2018

I haven’t used this service in awhile but Remember the Milk might be useful. I remember it being easy to email tasks to and being able to customize repeat intervals.
posted by melissa at 4:10 AM on November 21, 2018

Best answer: I love Todoist for this. It's an excellent balance between full-featured and powerful, and intuitive and visually appealing. I haven't used the gCal integration, but I know it exists.
posted by tapir-whorf at 4:51 AM on November 21, 2018 [3 favorites]

I like Wunderlist.
posted by TwilightKid at 5:19 AM on November 21, 2018

Best answer: Strongly seconding Todoist. I think it ticks all of your 'need' boxes and most, if not all, of your 'like' boxes.
posted by Ms. Next at 6:00 AM on November 21, 2018

Best answer: Thirding Todoist. The Gmail integration makes my life vastly vastly easier.
posted by jenettsilver at 8:39 AM on November 21, 2018

Response by poster: Downloaded Todoist and so far it looks good. Thanks everyone!
posted by snakeling at 12:24 PM on November 21, 2018

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