Ukulele group activities
June 29, 2018 10:46 AM   Subscribe

I'd like to invite area ukulele players to a gathering every few weeks. What are some fun activities we can do?

I'm a relative novice, but thought it would be a fun way to get better and meet people. I've got a handle on the finding people and a location bit, but I'm trying to come up with activities we can do together. I've been using the Dr. Uke site to learn songs, and figure we can go through those as a group. Maybe learn chord progressions together, teach each other songs / techniques. I need some specifics though, or I'm concerned the inaugural meeting will fall on it's face. Any recipes for success?
posted by roue to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (2 answers total)
Best answer: If a lot of people in the group can sing, you can do a circle variation of the Axis of Awesome 4-chord Pop Song.

Basically everyone strums the 4-chord pattern and different people pop in and sing a snippet of pretty much ANY pop song to the pattern. You can do it just randomly- as each person thinks of a song, they can jump in (less pressure on each person), or if people are really into it, make it a bit more competitive by going around the circle taking turns so there's some pressure. (or in a really advanced/competitive type group, each singer could point at another person to choose who goes next). But random is easy and fun and low-pressure, so that's probably best for starters.

It is SUPER fun, and hilarious to see the songs people come up with. SO many songs can work and if you phrase things creatively, ANY song works. I once played this game for a a full hour, with about 10 people and a ukulele, harmonizing and laughing our butts off- it's one of my fondest memories.
posted by pseudostrabismus at 10:54 AM on June 29, 2018 [1 favorite]

Best answer: I think just asking people if they have any songs they'd like to play and/or share will keep you occupied for most of the time. People can do a song solo and others can join in once they figure out the chords, or that person can spend a few minutes teaching the song to the group.

Before the meetup, contact people and ask them to bring the chords to a song they want to play. you could even have people post a link (or file) with the chords and ask everyone to print out the songs before the meeting. Bring a few extra copies as well.

I've been to a few ukulele / acoustic meetups and they're a lot of fun but it really is just playing a bunch of songs. Try to keep the instruction light because people will pick things up at very different paces and you risk intimidating the slower/newer folks.

Also you might want to just mention that other acoustic instruments are welcome. A bunch of ukes can really sound better with a guitar or bass in the mix.
posted by bondcliff at 11:59 AM on June 29, 2018 [1 favorite]

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