Stinky Male Cat Urine - How Long Until it Goes Away Post-Neutering?
April 23, 2018 7:39 AM   Subscribe

Title says it all. Four year old intact male cat just reeked. He was just neutered a week ago. How long will it take on average for his urine and by extension him to not smell so bad?

I don't have any pics yet, many apologies. He's very cute. I'm sure there will be follow-up questions and I should have a picture next time.

Long-haired male cat was never neutered as a kitten, and owner has a deficient sense of smell. He truly did not smell how bad it was, but I promise you, it was eye-wateringly bad.

He has now neutered the cat, last week. When is the cat's urine going to stop smelling so bad? A week? A month? I assume once the urine smell gets better the cat himself will smell better gradually as well? Hope me.

(Since it's not my cat, I can't call his vet, and owner is not really interested in the answer to this question since he doesn't smell it anyway.)
posted by juniperesque to Pets & Animals (5 answers total)
Male cat odor after older neutering varies greatly. He may never stop stinking. He may stop stinking next week. If he has a habit of marking/spraying, he may continue to do that. In my experience it’s the pheromones in the marking that really stink and cling to the cat. Litter box is a very popular place to mark, so it’s often lumped in with urine.

Cats are weird. YMMV.

Source: bred cats as a kid. Met many non-stinky intact male cats and many stinky neutered after short or long stud career males.
posted by bilabial at 7:46 AM on April 23, 2018 [2 favorites]

Yeah, I had a male cat who died last year at the age of 20, had been neutered at 2, pee kept stinking all the way through.
posted by the phlegmatic king at 8:35 AM on April 23, 2018

Some cats have nasty pee, but it shouldn't be so bad you can't stand it.

Has this cat been checked for kidney issues or UTIs? They're really common and a lot of people don't ever bother getting their cats checked.

Smelly wee can also indicate an allergy, does the cat have a runny nose or irritated eyes or dandruff etc that goes along with this idea? This was the case with one of my cats and the stinky pee and poo got waaay less gross when I swapped to a hypoallergenic food(I use royal canin, but hills is also very good).

Also, if you have a blacklight, you could check and see if kitty is really going in the litterbox or is marking somewhere else in the room. At the rescue I volunteer at we had a cat with invisible pee who'd mark some random corner at least once a month, and it led to a blacklight search each time(this cat could pee up the damn wall by like a foot and I do not know how).
posted by InkDrinker at 8:52 AM on April 23, 2018 [3 favorites]

Many cats could benifit from more water/fluids, which will dilute their urine (and smell). Maybe get a cat water-fountain if you don't have one, and switch to canned cat food instead of dry.
posted by Dressed to Kill at 9:20 AM on April 23, 2018 [3 favorites]

Oh, Dressed to Kill has good advice! Remember that cats don't like their water to be near their food. Many cats also have a general preference for moving water. So this kitty could definitely not be drinking enough water.

But my money is still on him marking and carrying the stink around. This might be something for the cat's owner to check in with the vet about at the next visit. Urinary blockages in male cats are serious business and much less expensive to prevent than to fix.

For many cats this is as simple as keeping the toilet clean, free of chemical additives like those hanging block cleaners, and keeping the lid up. So many cats love toilet drinking, even with a clean purpose made and well positioned water fountain. It's sort of the corollary to the thing about how many cats like playing with milk rings and cardboard boxes but eschew cat trees and feather toys.

Again, cats are weird. God, I love them.
posted by bilabial at 9:51 AM on April 23, 2018

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