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December 26, 2017 8:25 AM   Subscribe

Looking for places to rent poles and go fishing in or around Jacksonville/St. Augustine, Florida!

We're going to Jacksonville/St Augustine in a few weeks and would like to rent some fishing poles, buy some bait, and go fishing for a little bit. We are not looking for any particular type of fish (if we catch anything we'll throw it back). We've been looking (well, googling) around, but would really like to hear from mefites with first coast fishing experience.

We are not looking for:
- guided tours/boat excursions
- places where you have to bring your own poles
- places much further than a 1 hr drive from either city
- the St Johns County dock. We have been here before - and like that the license is included in the rental! - but are hoping to try something different.

posted by everybody had matching towels to Travel & Transportation around Jacksonville, FL (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Here in the UK places that sell bait and tackle are often very helpful in pointing you to good fishing spots - could you call some in advance and get their advice?
posted by humph at 4:28 PM on December 26, 2017 [1 favorite]

Humph is right on. Go to the oldest tackle shop around. Not a big box one like Bass Pro Shops- go to an old dirty shop that looks like it's been there forever. Ask the people working there were to go, what to use, etc. It's in their best interest to help you out, and usually they are great. The fishing is absolutely terrific in that area, some of the best in the nation.

I'd advise you to avoid the ocean/surf- that's tough fishing that requires specialized tackle, technique and sometimes clothes. Go inland and chase some bass. It's great fun!
posted by Patapsco Mike at 4:34 PM on December 26, 2017

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