Help me name my healthcare co-design consultancy
July 31, 2017 5:50 AM   Subscribe

Hello, hive mind! Can you help me name my business? I work in the field of healthcare co-design and co-production. Basically, I help healthcare and social service providers improve their practice by teaching them how to collaborate authentically with the people who use their service. This can mean facilitating workshops between service providers and staff, running staff training sessions, supporting consumer representatives to have their views heard, developing policies and frameworks, etc. What should I name my consultancy?

A few specifics...

- I'm in a non-US location. Most of the organisations I would be consulting with are non-profit and/or publicly funded. The work I do may help them meet accreditation requirements.

- I have a particular interest in mental health, so the name could reference this, but not in a way that's so specific that it would make it hard to get work outside that field.

- My work is based on the idea that people who use health and social services hold specific forms of knowledge and expertise, gained through lived experience, and that providers do their best work by honouring this expertise and collaborating with service users (rather than bestowing services upon them).

- Within organisations, there's often a split between staff who feel this is self-evident and a great opportunity for learning, and staff who think it's a radical idea and a recipe for chaos. The perfect name would inspire the former without entirely frightening off the latter.

- One possibility I'm considering is a name that can trigger a relevant story. For example, I know of a psychologist whose practice name is the name of a well-known poem. It makes sense as a name even if you don't know the poem, but when she explains the origin, she also gets to explain how the poem encapsulates her approach to mental health. Maybe there are examples of collaboration and power-sharing in nature, in legend or myth, or in literature that could be relevant?

- Ideas for relevant visual metaphors that could potentially be incorporated into a logo would also be very welcome.
posted by anonymous to Grab Bag (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I wouldn't outsource this task to strangers on the Internet. Here's a business naming guide that you might find helpful.
posted by Leontine at 10:45 AM on July 31, 2017

Two points:
1. A brand name is a peg that people use to hang all the attributes of your business. The LESS it has to do with your category, the better.
2. The Brand Deck may help you with some qualities or meanings that you want your name to have. Do you want to be professional, or warm, or informal, trendy, simple, attention-gathering, poised, colorful, etc?
posted by suedehead at 12:06 PM on July 31, 2017

What about a punny name? Like "Health Share" as a play on "health care." Or something simple that speaks to (what I think sounds like) a mission of sharing common ground, like "Common Care." I would think about what you want to convey and emphasize (I obviously was thinking along the lines of "health care") and I'd go from there.
posted by AppleTurnover at 1:30 PM on July 31, 2017

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