Preparing for unemployment in US - Green Card edition
April 28, 2017 8:36 AM   Subscribe

I've been unexpectedly made redundant, in a contract non-renewal sense. The current contract runs out in a few months. I'm a permanent resident (green card holder). I intend to stay here and look for work ASAP. I am not familiar with the US unemployment process - what should I be doing to get my ducks in row over the next few months, before the contract finally ends? Many thanks.

Hopefully I land a new position before I have to apply for unemployment. But still. State is Pennsylvania, if that helps. I can't move, for family reasons. Thank you again.
posted by anonymous to Work & Money (2 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Unemployment benefits are done on a state by state level. A copy of PAs Guide to unemployment.

Most important is that you start keeping copies of your pay stub (physical or digital) while you have a access - if you access those statements digitally, start downloading copies to have as records in case you're cut off from the system when you depart.

The amount you are paid will be contingent on how much you made while you were employed, up to a certain weekly cap. There is also a lag time between when you file your initial claim and your job ending - make sure you set aside sufficient savings to help you navigate the times you are on unemployment.
posted by Karaage at 11:24 AM on April 28, 2017 [1 favorite]

Also, if you currently receive health insurance through your job you will be offered COBRA coverage, which allows you to continue on your employer's plan so long as you pay the full premium yourself, or you should be able to purchase insurance on your own (losing your insurance is a "qualifying life event" and you don't need to wait until the regular open-enrollment period).
posted by mskyle at 11:53 AM on April 28, 2017

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