Ongoing weekend volunteer gigs in San Francisco?
November 21, 2016 6:01 PM   Subscribe

Seeking a weekend volunteer gig that requires a commitment and works with people in the refugee, immigrant, Muslim, African American, Latino or LGBT communities. I don't have many super specialized skills, but I could do some tutoring, and I have a car. I'm open to lots of suggestions about how I can help. What are some organizations I should check out?

I've discovered Refugee Transitions and am going to try to go forward with their in-home tutoring training, but I'd like to build a larger list of organizations to check out in case that doesn't work out.
posted by imalaowai to Society & Culture (2 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
826 Valencia offers after school tutoring and has a writing program. It was founded by Dave Eggers. It's in the Mission and serves mostly Latino and African American students.
posted by shoesietart at 4:16 AM on November 22, 2016

Try VolunteerMatch for some ideas. You can narrow it down to "Immigrants and Refugees," "LGBT," etc.
posted by bentley at 5:55 AM on November 23, 2016

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