Comms. reading material over the holidays
December 11, 2014 5:34 PM   Subscribe

Not too heavy but not too light

So I have about a month off for the holidays and hopefully I can use this time to catch up on stuff i'll never have time to read about during the semester.
I'm looking for reading material that comes from a "critical communications theory" perspective..
but not necessarily like, academic journal articles... yes I know I can look at the back of my course outlines but I'm looking for something a little less heavy than what you'd see on a course syllabus.

stuff I'm interested in:
- Modern perspectives on Sound / Music but from a comms perspective
- Feminism & technology / social media
- basically cultural studies

Does that resonate with anyone? I know there's a billion books my profs have mentioned over the semester but I failed to write any of them down. Thanks!
posted by winterportage to Society & Culture (5 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
This doesnt really answer the question, but maybe you should shoot those professors an email and ask about books along these lines? In my experience, professors are more then happy to tell you what the important things to read in their areas are.
posted by MFZ at 9:16 PM on December 11, 2014 [1 favorite]

Best answer: Lipstick Traces by Greil Marcus is a very readable, popular book about punk music, Dada, and the Situationist International (which is relevant to critical media studies). It's not an academic work, but it does try to explain basic concepts of Marxist cultural theory at certain points. You might be able to connect it to feminism by also watching The Punk Singer (available on Netflix) or possibly Don't Need You, but I haven't watched them.

If something that makes up for its heaviness by being short, clear, and influential might be OK, I'd suggest Raymond Williams's Marxism and Literature. My feeling is there's no better skeleton key to cultural studies in general.
posted by Monsieur Caution at 9:28 PM on December 11, 2014 [1 favorite]

Email your professors. They will be more than happy to send along suggestions and may even offer to loan you their copies of stuff.
posted by sockermom at 10:01 PM on December 11, 2014

After seeing Suki Kim on The Daily Show, I bought Without You, There is No Us. She taught English in a school for the children of the Elite in North Korea. How is it NOT going to be fascinating?
posted by Ruthless Bunny at 6:32 AM on December 12, 2014 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Thanks Monsieur Caution. Lipstick Traces is perfect and touches on everything I was looking for. I've got the Williams too now, if I can pry my brain open enough over the holiday to make it through, I think it could help a lot for next semester ( the chapter on hegemony was required reading for one course this past semester so I have a headstart).
posted by winterportage at 9:39 PM on December 16, 2014 [1 favorite]

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