massive percussion / trumpet song.
October 30, 2014 5:08 AM   Subscribe

So a few years back i heard a song and just now went back to my jazzy list on youtube only to find most of the videos deleted.. the tune was as far as I remember very upbeat, featured lots of blow instruments and percussion. and I believe it also was in a commercial at the time, and from what i've been able to research it isnt on any ok-go tune availible on spotify.
posted by xcasex to Media & Arts (5 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Maybe Sing Sing Sing? Bigger orchestration here. Can you tell us anything about what era or style it might be?
posted by carmicha at 5:31 AM on October 30, 2014

Response by poster: I remember it being later era, definetly post 2005.
posted by xcasex at 5:36 AM on October 30, 2014

I just noticed that you live in Sweden. Is that where the ad appeared? Remember anything about the product or service involved, or maybe the imagery? And when you say post-2005, is that when you saw the ad, how you would characterize the music, or both? The more details, the more likely you'll spark someone's memory.
posted by carmicha at 6:00 AM on October 30, 2014

Response by poster: No I think it was a car commercial from the states and an international volvo ad... the music i would definetly characterize as upbeat bigband jazz with lots of blow instruments and lacking vocals.
I remember hearing the music in 2011 but being suprised at how "old" but "new" it was, as in post millenial.

and i could've sworn it was ok-go but from what i can tell, it isnt :/
posted by xcasex at 6:08 AM on October 30, 2014

Best answer: finally found it thanks to IRC, artist: the go! team. tune: "junior kickstart"
posted by xcasex at 8:27 AM on October 30, 2014 [1 favorite]

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