Looking for a web app to help me with my Google Merchant account.
September 19, 2014 2:10 PM   Subscribe

Google's AdWords and Merchant Center dashboards are basically unusable for my purposes. Are there any web apps that I can use to give me added functionality?

Google's Merchant Center is as good as useless when it comes to anything other than uploading my feed- I can't sort my products by any parameter or search for them by anything but the Product ID number, which I don't even know offhand. When I do the analytics through my AdWords account, it's a little bit better in that I can sort how I like, but instead of seeing my product names, it gives me the Product ID number- so I have to go back to the Merchant Center and plug in each number individually to see what products they are. I have something like 1,500 products in my feed, and the lack of functionality is hurting my ability to optimize my website.
posted by BuddhaInABucket to Computers & Internet 1 user marked this as a favorite
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