"Best Practices" for Preparing to take PHR Exam?
October 15, 2005 11:05 AM   Subscribe

I am preparing to take an HR certification exam - the PHR (Professional in Human Resources).
Have any of you taken it? If so, please recommend the best method(s) for success.
posted by mockjovial to Work & Money (1 answer total)
Best answer: Hey, I'm an SPHR and I taught the PHR for a couple of years.

The best methods for success are simple - study the materials. (You did buy the materials, right?) The PHR in particular is really right from the study guides, and as long as you really know the various laws, rules, and cases, you'll do fine. The main thing is not to put your PERSONAL spin on the answer, or answer from common sense or what you'd do at your business - just answer from the book. What would SHRM want you to do?

Also, if you haven't already, join a study group. There's usually one online at SHRM, look at the bulletin boards and I think there's one specifically for people studying for the PHR.

Good luck, my e-mail is in my profile if you want some more help. I seriously doubt any more Mefi-ers have taken this particular assessment....
posted by pomegranate at 3:21 PM on October 15, 2005

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