List of famous people sorted by age of death?
September 15, 2013 11:19 PM   Subscribe

I'm looking for a comprehensive list of famous people throughout history who died at age 27. Google only throws up short lists of the "27 Club" of famous musicians.

Does anyone know of a more comprehensive list of famous people who died at 27? Or a list of famous people that can be sorted by age of death?
posted by pablocake to Society & Culture (4 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
I can't do this, but I suspect there is a way of indexing birth and death dates in wikipedia to extract those people who died in their 28th year.
posted by MuffinMan at 1:30 AM on September 16, 2013 has some

edit: also searching google news for died "aged 29" brings up a few. you may need to add famous, celebrity, actor or other words to get famous people
posted by gryftir at 2:30 AM on September 16, 2013 [1 favorite]

Wikipedia has a longer list (though still only musicians.)
posted by namewithoutwords at 4:08 AM on September 16, 2013

dead people server is a good resource.
posted by txtwinkletoes at 5:32 AM on September 16, 2013

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