Going away present for someone moving from Boston to Seattle
September 14, 2013 7:47 AM   Subscribe

My sister is moving from Boston to Seattle. Looking for recommendations for going away gifts. They could be related to Boston or Seattle, or just nice going-away gift ideas in general.

Mementos of the old place (Boston in this case), cool things related to the new place (Seattle), or any non-specific ideas would be great! These can be objects, experiences, gift cards...

I'd especially love to hear about gifts that you received or gave that were wonderful. I'd love to hear from anyone who lives near Seattle.

My sister is in her late 20's and she's moving for a job at a new company. She'll be there for 2 years.

posted by htid to Shopping (20 answers total)
She's gonna need some really funky colorful galoshes.
posted by HeyAllie at 7:57 AM on September 14, 2013

A really nice, high-quality umbrella.
posted by Metroid Baby at 8:01 AM on September 14, 2013

Best answer: A really nice full-spectrum lamp. My best friend lived out there for a few years and loved absolutely everything about the place. But the gray skies really got her down. She tried to stick it out but ultimately she had to move. Sunlight-simulating lamps weren't really on the market at that time. I have one in my small, windowless office, and it fools me into thinking that there's a window just outside my peripheral vision.
posted by tllaya at 8:07 AM on September 14, 2013 [3 favorites]

+ 1 for a Full- Spectrum (also called 'Sun') lamp. It's crucial. Everyone get's seasonal withdrawal of Vitamin D, and it sucks.

If that's too expensive, get her a big bottle of Vitamin D pills.
posted by justalisteningman at 8:28 AM on September 14, 2013

Best answer: DVD gift pack:
The Departed
The Town
Good Will Hunting
posted by armoir from antproof case at 8:35 AM on September 14, 2013 [1 favorite]

People don't really use galoshes or umbrellas here -- it's not that kind of rain. I agree that a full-spectrum light would be great.

I'm trying to think of Bostonian things I can't get here and all that's coming to mind is hot dog buns with the split on top (as God intended). Oh, and bread in a can -- I've seen that in only one store.
posted by The corpse in the library at 8:38 AM on September 14, 2013 [3 favorites]

I moved from Boston to Seattle! I'm trying to think of Boston things I miss but all I can think of are particular restaurant dishes.

Protip, though: Seattle has a plastic bag ban; every store charges you for every bag they give you (even paper), and they can only use certain recycling-friendly types of bags. (Sometimes they give a little discount when you bring your own bags, though.) Personally I'm a big fan of this law but I know people gripe. So, hook your sister up with some washable, sturdy shopping totes, possibly in nice colors or patterns. Make sure they can withstand abuse. If you're crafty you could make a set of Boston themed totes, of her favorite neighborhoods or something?
posted by Mizu at 8:48 AM on September 14, 2013 [7 favorites]

Don't buy her an umbrella; nobody here uses them. Get her a fleece-lined goretex jacket or fleece hoodie instead. My mother refers to her North Face jacket as her "Seattle Mink."
posted by KathrynT at 8:59 AM on September 14, 2013 [5 favorites]

I moved from Boston to Seattle 4 years ago and I love it.

Nthing the rain jacket, or you may just want to get her a gift card for REI. IME some people do wear galoshes, but good regular-looking waterproof shoes are even better.

More on clothes: I found that I don't wear my heavy outer layers (winter boots, down jacket) here in Seattle, because it rarely gets that cold. It's more about layers here: sweaters, light wool coat. So any clothes along those lines are great.

Does she like to hike? Seattle is close to lots of amazing wilderness, and there are some great trail guides. Those published by the Washington Trail Association seem to be the best.
posted by lunasol at 10:24 AM on September 14, 2013

Oh, and mizu's tote bag idea is great - I am forever scrambling for tote bags here. The kind that fold or bunch up into nothing are especially useful. You could get her a bunch that remind her of Boston in some way, maybe from businesses she frequents now.
posted by lunasol at 10:27 AM on September 14, 2013

I live in a plastic-free town too and agree that a great, sturdy reusable bag--the kind that folds or stuffs into itself and fits in a purse--would be super valuable and often used. You can find really good ones for $10-20. Chico Bag is one well-made bag, but many of its ilk now exist.

And THEN fill it with Boston goodies!
posted by AnOrigamiLife at 10:31 AM on September 14, 2013

If they don't have some already, I think a pair of Bean boots would be a perfect Boston / Seattle gift. Inexpensive, too, and made in the US.
posted by rossination at 10:44 AM on September 14, 2013 [1 favorite]

Hiking boots or a real good jacket
posted by ladoo at 11:22 AM on September 14, 2013

Most of us in Seattle don't use umbrellas. Smart wool and fleece are great, but whatever you get, if it's clothing, think layers. A thin outer layer rain jacket we get much more use than one with lots of paying and insulation.

Smart wool socks, gloves, and a hat will get a lot of use as the weather gets rainy.
posted by markblasco at 12:32 PM on September 14, 2013

Yeah - it doesn't so much rain all the time as drizzle all the time. (well, 9 months out of the year)

The hot dog bun thing is a huge deal for some people - I know someone who would stock up on split-on-top buns whenever she was on the east coast.

I'm from Boston and lived in Seattle for almost 6 years. I can't think of that much I missed in terms of stuff, because I'm fairly agnostic on hot dog buns. I did once get some ice cream from Tosci's shipped out for a party, but that's not so much of a "send you off with it" gift. I buy most of my loose tea from Upton Tea, in MA, but they ship everywhere.

The international aisle in the supermarket in Seattle has way more Asian and Latino foods and way less Irish/English foods than most of Boston, so if your sister likes P. G. Tips tea or digestive biscuits, you could send her off with some of those. If she likes weird flavors of pocky, she is heading to nerdvana. Good clam chowder is harder to come by, too, but again, not so much of a 'send you off with it' gift. For shipping, Captain Parker's on the Cape does ship theirs.

Maybe some good maple syrup and maple sugar candy?
posted by rmd1023 at 2:04 PM on September 14, 2013

Frasier! (The series starts with him moving from Boston to Seattle. Spoiler: He does not, and will never, acquire a Fleece Jacket.)
posted by The Toad at 2:31 PM on September 14, 2013 [1 favorite]

I live in Seattle. I sometimes use an umbrella, these days. For the first decade of so after moving to the Pacific Northwest I never used an umbrella, instead favoring a good breathable waterproof jacket shell.

The full-spectrum light idea is a good one.
posted by Good Brain at 2:45 PM on September 14, 2013

Best answer: How about you get your friend some info on her new city and region:

Skid Road and
Wildmen, Wobblies and Whistle Punks are great places to start.
I'd throw this one in too.

If your friend is using public transportation, we have a pretty good system here (Metro) which is run by King County. You could get her an ORCA card and/or set her up with subscription Seattle Metropolitan or City Arts Magazine.
posted by black8 at 6:10 PM on September 14, 2013

> if your sister likes P. G. Tips tea

Pssst -- I get that at Central Market in Shoreline, if you're missing it.
posted by The corpse in the library at 7:36 PM on September 14, 2013

Response by poster: Thanks all. I ended up buying some guidebooks, the history books recommended above by black8, some stuffed animals of her favorite animal (she can't have pets in her new place), and an awesome umbrella.
posted by htid at 1:23 PM on October 14, 2013

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