Landmark/est equivalents?
July 30, 2013 4:50 AM   Subscribe

What books/podcasts/videos have content similar to est/Landmark Forum?

I greatly enjoyed reading Benjamin & Rosamund Zander's The Art of Possibility, and watching Zander's TED and YouTube videos. I heard a lot of the ideas in his work are derived from est/Landmark Forum.

I would like to find more material to read, watch or listen to which touches on the same principles. I know there's a lot of motivational and self-help stuff out there, but I'm specifically interested in things which are substantively similar to or based on the ideas advanced in est/Landmark.
posted by overeducated_alligator to Religion & Philosophy (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I don't recommend this, but since you asked, PSI Seminars is definitely est-y.
posted by MyTwoCentsToo at 6:54 AM on July 30, 2013

When I went to a Landmark forum seminar a friend insisted I would love because I love Plato, I found it to be a mockery of Socratic technique. They ask a lot of questions with open-ended answers like in Plato, but they neither have any meaningful techniques for answering, nor any insight based on the deep study of philosophical texts. They twist the usage of many philosophical terms, Platonic as well as Aristotelian, to make them seem to indicate that paying for more meandering discussion sessions will lead to some secret knowledge. In this way, what they most remind me of are the charlatan professors called the Sophists who Socrates decries in many Dialogues, especially the Sophist and Meno. I walked out laughing.

It would be a lot cheaper and a million times more enlightening to take a discussion-heavy community college class on Plato and Aristotle. Or just read the Meno yourself, thoroughly, which hopefully will inoculate you against anyone claiming that virtue can be taught and that knowledge is giving good speeches.
posted by Potomac Avenue at 7:20 AM on July 30, 2013

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