Where in NYC to repair or recover data on CF card?
July 20, 2013 12:37 PM   Subscribe

Arrived last night in NYC on assignment to write/shoot a story on paddling the Bronx River. Went out this morning, shot 300-plus pics on a GXT 4G compack flash card. Near the end of the paddle, the card stopped working. Now back in the hotel, my card reader won't recognize it. Any way I can recover the pics? Any place open in Manhattan now (it's Saturday afternoon) where I can find out in a hurry? Or better ideas? Or should I start panicking now?
posted by ecourbanist to Technology (2 answers total)
Possibly try Epic Data Recovery, since they say they can help 24/7?
posted by gudrun at 2:51 PM on July 20, 2013

Response by poster: I'll answer my own question here for any others in a bind who might find this in a search.

I found Bnytech on the Internet. Called at 4:30pm on Saturday afternoon. Met Sergio 30 minutes later at his office on the 12F of the New Yorker hotel near Penn Station. He wasn't confident, but would try. He called 6:30pm to say the pics were coming out, would be ready noon the following day. By late Sunday morning I had all the pics and was back in action. Cost: $250.

Bnytech: (212) 244-1844.
posted by ecourbanist at 4:16 AM on July 22, 2013 [1 favorite]

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