Can't stay in my shoes
July 8, 2013 9:56 PM   Subscribe

For the past few years I've had a problem with dress shoes. Either shoes have changed, or my feet have. My heels won't stay in the shoes. I saw this product online, which seems perfect except the reviews on their own website are horrible.

Those little foam or silicone heel inserts don't help at all. I have wide feet, if it matters. I just ordered some clear straps that wrap around the foot and over the shoe, made by Capezio, but they don't seem ideal. Something that goes around the heel of the shoe, then around my ankle while looking like it belongs to the shoe, or is clear/ invisible would be perfect. Any suggestions for products or tricks from keeping shoes on? Bonus question: Going forward, I'll only shop for shoes with t-straps or the like, but I'd like to still wear the heels I already own. Thanks!
posted by Neeuq Nus to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (5 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
This may sound weird, but I've found those inserts that go in the front of the shoe, padding the ball of the foot, more helpful at keeping my heel in shoes than heel inserts. Heel inserts usually make the problem worse because they lift the heel even farther out of the shoe.
posted by Ouisch at 10:48 PM on July 8, 2013 [1 favorite]

you could try ribbons looped under the instep and tied around the ankle.

you could try a narrow elastic headband in a toning color around the instep, cut and sewn back together at the ends to fit.
posted by tel3path at 12:54 AM on July 9, 2013

Recently I've been having a terrible time keeping shoes on. I finally decided it's because they are making the sole more of a platform and so the part that should bend never does. So now the first thing I do is bend the shoe with my hands, forcing it to bend at least a little -- maybe 30 minutes or so of bending them. I also now add the padded gel insoles and the heel liners/grippers, all found at the local drugstore.
posted by Houstonian at 5:15 AM on July 9, 2013

I have had to discard shoes for the same problem. The combination last has apparently been discarded. Thus a 2A with a 4A heel cannot be found. So most shoes are simply M width. As noted, heel inserts are not helpful. Shoes are made cheaply all alike regardless of price.
posted by Cranberry at 12:38 PM on July 9, 2013

Seconding Ouisch. One of my feet is a smidge smaller than the other, so inevitably I have to put an insole in any shoe that can't be adjusted enough with shoelaces. I was trying to do a heel pad, but the guy at the shoe store (pedorthist, even!) said, "Here, hold on for a second" and put a little cork layer between the insole and the bottom of the shoe -- just under the ball of the foot.

He said that using a heel cup would change my stride and lead to back problems, etc.
posted by Madamina at 1:32 PM on July 9, 2013

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