Is there a list of TeenTalk Barbie's phrases?
May 19, 2013 5:21 AM   Subscribe

I read that the TeenTalk barbie (famous for the controversial math statement) is programmed to speak 269 phrases (down from 270 after removing the math one). I can't find a list of her phrases anywhere and think it would be really funny. Anybody know of such a list?
posted by mermaidcafe to Grab Bag (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I don't know about a full list, but here are some I found:

Will we ever have enough clothes?
I love shopping!
Wanna have a pizza party?

Lets share secrets.
what kind of wedding will you have?
I love romantic music.
Tell me a funny joke.

I'll always be here to help you.
Party dresses are fun!
Do you have a crush on anyone?

Can we ever have enough clothes?
Lets take a dance class!
I'm studying to be a doctor.
Who will you invite to the picnic?

Our team won the game!
Help me make a party dress!
Lets(?) find the dance list.
Lets celebrate!

Lets try on dresses!
My horse is a show jumper.
I love to visit new places!
Teaching kids is great!

Wanna have a pizza party?
School friends are the best.
Meet me at the mall!
I love to dance!

These are just creepy. Who thought "I love romantic music" was appropriate for a six year old?
posted by valoius at 9:34 AM on May 19, 2013 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Gee, "My horse is a show jumper" isn't a class marker at all...

posted by mermaidcafe at 2:20 PM on May 19, 2013 [1 favorite]

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