A grad program that deals with creative writing AND photography?
May 10, 2013 4:30 AM   Subscribe

I'm heading for a career change, and want to get better at my two passions: creative writing (creative non-fiction) and photography. I'm looking for a grad program that helps me integrate both so I can tell both my own stories and other people's (NGOs, Foundations, etc) more persuasively.

I've kind of come full circle--I started my academic career studying creative writing, then moved on to teaching, then to international development, which I do now. I make a steady paycheck, and am saving money and paying off debt. I think in 1-2 years, I want to get back to being creative in my day-to-day life. While I'm a strong writer, I could use a program that forces me to be a bit more disciplined in my output. While I'm a strong photographer, I'm self-taught, and am sure I would benefit from studio time and workshops. I want to integrate my creative talents into a new career, and I want to find perhaps a MFA program that will set me down that path. So far, the only program I've found that comes close is Duke's Master of Fine Arts in Experimental and Documentary Arts. Anyone out there know of any other programs that might be a good fit?
posted by leecohen to Education (8 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
You might want to look at anthropology programs too. Some offer courses in visual anthropology and anthropologists seem to be more interested in the creative side of non-fiction writing than many other academic disciplines. It would maybe help with your international development career to have anthropology credentials too.
posted by lollusc at 4:43 AM on May 10, 2013 [1 favorite]

How about the Salt Institute ?
posted by mneekadon at 4:44 AM on May 10, 2013 [1 favorite]

I don't think you need an MFA to do what you want here. I'd closely weigh the cost:benefit equation. You speak of saving money and getting out of debt -- maybe spending on a grad program is not the best course for you. Unless you can find a program that will grant you tuition, I'd think twice.

There are many, many low cost ways to learn to be a better writer or photographer. Lots of free ones actually. Lots of groups, workshops etc.

And, importantly, an MFA will not make you a writer or photographer. It might help you along that course, but you won't walk out those doors as a bona fide writer/photog. What will make you a writer/photog is to start doing it. Work hard at it. Get better at it. Write articles, write books, take pictures, combine them. I'm betting you are already qualified to jump in.
posted by ecorrocio at 8:00 AM on May 10, 2013 [1 favorite]

You might also consider the certificate program at Duke, instead of the MFA.
posted by megancita at 12:14 PM on May 10, 2013

At San Francisco State University, part of the requirement for the creative writing MFA is doing a correlative in another discipline that is somehow related to your writing. So you could use photography as your correlative.

Right now, the three official majors the program offers are fiction, poetry, and playwriting, but I know there are classes in creative nonfiction, and I think that even if you were registered as a "fiction" major, they would be open to you reinterpreting that into creative nonfiction.
posted by tan_coul at 1:34 PM on May 10, 2013

i know some of the folks who've done the duke program. i think that program is better suited for someone who's already got the technical chops and has an artistic vision that they want to explore.

a lot of journalism programs have an MA in visual communication, and you could always take writing courses as electives.

and i'll second the certificate program at duke's center for doc studies. i took a few classes there, and there was always someone in my classes who had moved to durham from maine or washington state, or wherever, and was treating it as their grad program.

i also have a friend who did salt, then did the mountain workshops (through western kentucky university), and is now kicking ass in a graduate photojournalism program. shoot me a message, i could go on!
posted by iahtl at 4:03 PM on May 10, 2013

Response by poster: These are all great suggestions, particularly the Duke Certification program and Salt, both of which sound fantastic.

If my goal here (still being developed in my mind) is to become a freelance consultant for NGOs, Foundations, etc, to help them better tell their "story", using pictures and words, and perhaps multi-media, does anyone know people or companies that do that work really well? I just want to see what the market looks like right now, who the major players are, and what I can learn from the work they're doing.

Thanks everyone!
posted by leecohen at 3:01 AM on May 13, 2013


this is what mediastorm does. check em out.
posted by iahtl at 11:12 PM on July 1, 2013

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