Trying to find an old beer ad
April 21, 2013 5:38 PM   Subscribe

Rheingold Beer had an ad in the 1970s that featured a hiker and lots of outdoorsy scenes with a song over it. I'm trying to find either a video of the ad or a written description.

The song may have lyrics something like this:

I will be following the spring
I will be searching for the natural thing

There is a slight possibility that the beer isn't Rheingold.
posted by punchtothehead to Society & Culture (2 answers total)
Blanche Deveraux and Dorothy Spornak sing the whole song on an episode of the Golden Girls. I've never seen the ad, but I know the whole song because of that episode. I'm pretty sure it's the one where Rose has a heart attack.
posted by superfille at 9:46 PM on April 21, 2013 [1 favorite]

That Golden Girls song doesn't seem to be the correct one (after ad):
posted by sixpack at 1:35 PM on April 22, 2013

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