Need help for my University's Battlebot competition
February 12, 2013 6:15 AM   Subscribe

Looking for ideas for different obstacles to overcome or a point system for the competitors.

Hello everyone!

I'm working with a small group of people setting up a Battlebots competition at my University. We're currently paring students from the Electrical/Computer Engineering & Mechanical Engineering departments in an all day event to design, build, and compete with battlebots.

My job is to create kits with start-up materials for the ECE students in which I will give a basic overview of controlling their bot wirelessly as well as control of the electric motors.

Our current intent for this project is to have the bots have a capture the flag type competition inside an arena that we create. In doing so, the team with receive points and obviously the team with the most points will win.

The question I have for all of you is: what are other areas that we can give the players points for? Additions to their bots? Extra functionality? I've hit a mental roadblock and would love any and all suggestions.
posted by Isos to Technology (1 answer total)
Past FIRST robotics competitions should give you plenty of ideas for extra tasks to complete, particularly the mini versions.

You can also give bonuses for doing hard things (for example, allow robots to be heavier if they don't use wheels, an idea which I just lifted from Wikipedia).
posted by katrielalex at 6:21 AM on February 12, 2013

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