Snoop Dog filter - Did he say that?
August 30, 2005 5:53 AM   Subscribe

Snoop Dog filter - Did he say that?

In one of the recent TV commercials for the Chrysler employee price promotion, Snoop appears with ex-Chrysler-honcho Lee Iacocca. In his second line, he appears to say "and Dodge trucks last longer than the D-O-W jism." Is this indeed what he said? If so, what does it mean, if not, what did he say?
posted by ackptui to Writing & Language (10 answers total)
D O double jizzle.
posted by SeizeTheDay at 5:57 AM on August 30, 2005

That is what he said. As in D-O double G-ism. He is spelling out the word "dogg" referring to himself.
posted by monsta coty scott at 5:57 AM on August 30, 2005

He may have said "Dodge trucks last longer than the D-O-Double-gizzle." D-O-Double-G = DOGG = Snoop Dogg. The "last longer than" may be sexual innuendo.

I have not heard the commercial in a while, though, so a closer listen may yield a better idea. This is just a speculation.
posted by MrZero at 5:58 AM on August 30, 2005

Urban dictionary link.
posted by SeizeTheDay at 5:59 AM on August 30, 2005

I thought he said the D-O-double-gizzle, meaning Dogg, meaning him. Now what lasting longer than him means is anyone's guess.
posted by andrewzipp at 5:59 AM on August 30, 2005

Wow, at 9AM all across America people get to work to answer questions about Snoop Dogg at the same time.
posted by andrewzipp at 6:01 AM on August 30, 2005

I'm pretty sure it is D-O-double-gizzle, as Snoop is (in)famous for adding -izzle to lots of words. Fo' shizzle.
posted by geeky at 6:15 AM on August 30, 2005

Apparently the Shizzolator is down :(

(It translates any web page into Snoop speak, fo shizzle)
posted by First Post at 8:23 AM on August 30, 2005

If Snoop ran the world (or at least the weather channel)
posted by Four Flavors at 10:04 AM on August 30, 2005

This one was obvious. Now explain how he ever makes contact with a golf ball.
posted by yerfatma at 5:28 PM on August 30, 2005

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