Looking for experiences with pessaries
October 31, 2012 10:06 AM   Subscribe

Do you have a pessary for urinary stress incontinence? What's it like?

I have an appointment with my gynecologist next week about my ongoing stress incontinence issues, and I believe the next course of action will be to be fitted for a pessary (while I do Kegels, they are not providing me with the results I need RIGHT NOW, and biofeedback, my gynecologist's next option, isn't covered by my insurance).

While I do have some questions that I'll ask him (can I leave it in all the time, will it affect my IUD, do I need to clean it?), I'd like to know from people who actually have one -

What's it like? Can you feel it?
Does it work just for slight trickles, or can it handle heavier output (I can wet my pants with a single heavy cough)?

Any pessary-related feedback would be appreciated.
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (1 answer total)
I'm not a gynecologist, and I don't have stress incontinence - but I did a stint in a urogynecology clinic as a medical student, and talked to a lot of women with pessaries. I can't tell you how many times I heard a patient say how life-changing their pessary was. They were overwhelmingly satisfied with the results they got from their treatment and some of these women had serious, serious prolapse. Most of them didn't complain about being able to feel it, and if the first one you try isn't comfortable, there are several options and shapes that can be tried until the right one fits.

(Seriously, it was such an incredible experience to see so many patients satisfied with their treatment that I almost decided to change specialties to become a urogynecologist.)
posted by honeybee413 at 9:22 PM on October 31, 2012 [1 favorite]

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