wanting to get more info on being an ASL interpreter
October 5, 2012 5:36 PM   Subscribe

does anyone know of any sign language interpreters in Chicago that would be willing to let me buy them a cup of coffee or tea and pepper them with questions about their job?

I am considering a career change into the field but want to have a pretty clear idea of the realities and the day to day of ASL interpreting before I decide.

(for what it's worth, I already emailed the Chicago Hearing Society asking them this but they just directed me to Colombia College because they have a ASL program. I was able to meet with an advisor there but would really like to speak with someone IN the field.)

If anyone knows of any interpreters and can have them email me at aslcurious@gmail.com, I would be very grateful! I'm also open to other ideas on how to find people to talk to.

Additionally, if you are an ASL interpreter and not in the Chicago area but would be willing to write an answer here to tell me more about what your life and career is like, I'd love that! I'm looking for general stuff about what your day to day routine is, possible career paths, salaries, what the are challenges or biggest annoyances, what do you love about it, is it what you expected, the usual career info.

thanks mefites!
posted by carlypennylane to Education

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