NFL Sunday Ticket on PS3?
September 8, 2012 11:51 AM   Subscribe

Have you used the NFL Sunday Ticket app for Play Station 3? If so, how bad was it? I am interested in hearing both about your experience with it last year and anything you've heard about changes or improvements for 2012.

Yes, I'm considering paying a lot of money for something that gets bad reviews. That's how badly I want to see my out-of-market team play every Sunday. Is this app better than the awful Eastern European pirate streams I may or may not have relied on in the past?
posted by Ignatius J. Reilly to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I can't comment on the NFL app specifically. I can say the NHL app would suddenly repeat itself out of the I can say the NhL app would suddenly repeat itself I can say the NHL app would suddenly repeat it self with no warning. In case you can't tell, I was not a fan. So be cautious.
posted by Silvertree at 6:46 PM on September 8, 2012

Mr. Southeast used it last fall while staying in a extended stay hotel prior to our move. He liked it but said there were still some games blacked out and it worked best when the PS3 was hardwired into the modem. Wirelessly, it would lock up, pixelate and go black frequently.
posted by southeastyetagain at 8:37 AM on September 9, 2012

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