Down in Jungleland.
August 1, 2012 1:53 PM   Subscribe

Looking for a book that was set in NYC with a main female character that may or may not have been a door-to-door make-up salesperson in a dangerous neighborhood. Book had an odd shape and didn't appear to be self-published (I saw it at Borders) and was probably published within the past five years. Main character encounters a woman that appears to be the victim of domestic violence but...

...tells the main character, after noticing her bruises, something along the lines of "it's not what you think, we just can't have this baby right now and we can't afford an abortion." Apparently the couple were trying to force a miscarriage and, if I remember correctly, junkies like most of the other characters I remember from the chapter I read.

That's all that I remember right now but this is driving me insane! The author was, I'm fairly certain, female and I believe the book had three names in the title. Spotted in the "last-chance-markdown" rack at Borders last spring.
posted by playertobenamedlater to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Contact the main branch of your public library - ask to speak to one of the Librarians (not the desk clerk!), preferably someone at a reference desk and/or who does readers advisory services... they have all sorts of databases for this kind of thing. Sometimes these databases are available on the library's website, too.

You could also contact the nearest Masters in Library and Information Science program, or Library Tech program coordinator at your local community college - there may be a student who could practice on you, or someone might be willing to assign it to their class for extra credit or something.

posted by jrobin276 at 7:39 PM on September 25, 2012

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