Shaw 'nuff.
July 11, 2012 7:01 AM   Subscribe

Help me find a possibly misremembered George Bernard Shaw quotation. It was something like "I enjoy writing plays because I get to argue all the sides of an argument with myself."

My google-fu has thus far only unearthed Shaw's statement, "the moment we want to believe something, we suddenly see all the arguments for it, and become blind to the arguments against it." This isn't quite the same thing.

It's also quite possible that Shaw wasn't the playwright who said this, or that my memory of the wording is so far off that google would fail me.

posted by HeroZero to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
Best answer: Maybe you are thinking of a similar quote from Tom Stoppard?

"I write plays because dialogue is the most respectable way of contradicting myself."

(From a 1972 interview published in the New Yorker per Wikiquote)
posted by mountmccabe at 9:41 AM on July 11, 2012

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