Need to know the name of the wife of Austrian sculptor Johannes Benk.
July 9, 2012 11:14 AM   Subscribe

AustrianArtHistory/NovelResearch–Filter: I need to know the name of the wife of Austrian sculptor Johannes Benk (1844–1914).

In the course of researching my novel, I found a passing reference (in German) to Benk being the son-in-law of a fairly notorious Viennese brothel owner, Johanna Wolf. There's limited biographical information available about Wolf, and I've found nothing about her daughter. My ability to read German is limited, to put it kindly, so my research-fu has pretty much hit the wall.

At the very minimum, I would love to know Benk's wife's name and (if available) her birth/death dates.

For the sake of getting the details right, kann jemand mir helfen?
posted by scody to Writing & Language (2 answers total)
Best answer: I found the following here: "Benk Johannes, Bildhauer, geb. laut Taufschein zu Wien am 27. Juli 1844, lebt derzeit in Wien; verheirathet mit Laura Wolf, geb. am 12. Juni 1858 ." [my emphasis]
posted by gubo at 11:31 AM on July 9, 2012

Response by poster: gubo, that's awesome. Vielen Dank! Ich liebe Metafilter.
posted by scody at 11:40 AM on July 9, 2012

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