Paddy in DC?
June 25, 2012 3:59 PM   Subscribe

Where in the DC area can I buy Paddy Irish Whiskey?

According to Wikipedia, Paddy is available in the US. Is it available in the DC metro area?
posted by Luminiferous Ether to Food & Drink (4 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I'm seeing several mentions online that Montgomery County's ABC stores have stocked it - I'd try calling the Rockville Pike shop to see if that's actually the case.
posted by ryanshepard at 6:41 PM on June 25, 2012

I've never noticed it in DC's finer liquor stores. In fact, the only place I've ever seen Paddy was behind a bar in NYC. It also does not appear to be on the Virginia ABC list (at least not properly categorized as Irish whiskey in the regular or special order lists). This year old Yelp thread says it's available in Montgomery County, so that looks like your best bet. You can also try asking Joe Riley at Ace Beverage. I don't think he carries it, but he generally knows what's available for order.

If none of that works out, try asking bartenders at the Dubliner, the Irish Times, the four P's, and so on. Somebody at one of those bars is likely to know if it's even obtainable here. If you order something first and tip well, the bartenders will be more likely to try to help you if they don't know themselves.
posted by fedward at 8:38 PM on June 25, 2012

The (slightly-misnamed) service you want for this is Wine Searcher. The only place with an online inventory that carries it near DC is Montgomery Plaza Liquors, which is about 30 miles out.
posted by Mayor West at 6:21 AM on June 26, 2012 [1 favorite]

Have you asked Schneider's? Usually they can get something even if they don't normally carry it.
posted by Thistledown at 9:25 AM on June 26, 2012

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