Finding a new orthodontist for my braces
December 23, 2011 2:29 AM   Subscribe

I left Chicago without finishing up my braces (there really is no way I can go back due to the violence and stalking issues I had back there). I am now looking for a new orthodontist who will finish up my braces or at least remove them in LA. But I heard it's really expensive to get a new orthodontist. How should I go about getting one that I can afford?
posted by kopi to Health & Fitness (9 answers total)
Can you explain your situation to your orthodontist in Chicago and ask whether they have any colleagues in LA? Or reasonable, reputable places they know of? Or at least see if they have any suggestions.
posted by seriousmoonlight at 4:22 AM on December 23, 2011 [2 favorites]

Go to your student health plan. They usually have referrals for off-site specialty care.
posted by availablelight at 4:30 AM on December 23, 2011

I had to do this TWICE when I had braces, once because I moved and once because my new orthodontist died (!). It is super super easy and not stressful at all. Just use yelp to find a few well-reviewed orthodontists and call them up. Tell them how long you have had braces, about how much longer your treatment is expected to be and ask for a consultation. They should be able to give you no-charge consultation appointment that will result in an estimate. Every orthodontist that I know of takes payment plans and I'm sure they will be able to work out something you can afford.

When I moved with braces, I was 18 and I had this idea that getting a new orthodontist to work on my existing braces would be impossible. And it really was not!
posted by kate blank at 7:18 AM on December 23, 2011 [2 favorites]

Go to your student health plan.

Am I missing where the OP says they are a student?
posted by amro at 8:41 AM on December 23, 2011

The OP has asked questions before that mention that he is a student.
posted by crankylex at 9:16 AM on December 23, 2011

Response by poster: Yes, I am a student.

I asked my former orthodontist and he gave me a list, but there are so many people and I don't know which one is near my location. He explained that it will be much more money though and that it's better to just ride the plane and go back to Chicago every time I make an appointment, but with the school (money-wise). Is that true?
posted by kopi at 11:53 AM on December 23, 2011

In my experience, it's definitely not true. He just wants to keep your business. You'll spend DAYS for each appointment between prep/travel.

You don't have to pick an orthodontist tomorrow. Get settled first. You'll be fine.
posted by kate blank at 12:20 PM on December 23, 2011

Response by poster: I was *told* (I was not given any proof) that since my current orthodontist is friends with my grandfather (who is a retired orthodontist but doesn't do braces), I have discounts with my current orthodontist, thus that is why it is cheaper with him. But maybe I am being lied to and convinced to keep coming back to Chicago despite my busy school schedule just so my family can have the chance to ogle over me.

Sounds fishy, right?
posted by kopi at 5:52 PM on December 23, 2011

Get quotes from other orthodontists, and then you will know whether it is fishy, feasible, or cheaper.
posted by Elysum at 2:51 AM on December 24, 2011

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