Adult small socks
December 14, 2011 8:59 PM   Subscribe

Mission Impossible: I'm looking for non-Hitchcock socks in mens size 5.5-6.

Caveat: recipient has tried womens and childrens sizes and is tired of ill fitting socks, so won't wear any more womens, childrens, or 5.5-12 sizes, just size 5.5 or 6 mens socks. Help?

(He has plenty of Hitchcock brand socks, and frankly, it seems kind of crazy to pay $25/pair for ribbed athletic socks so I would like to buy him some other kind of socks)
posted by arnicae to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Sierra Trading Post has a few options in Men's size small.
posted by oceano at 9:07 PM on December 14, 2011

Here's one I found by googling "short men clothing" ribbed knit dress sock that fits sized 5-8. They have several varieties but no athetic socks.
posted by cabingirl at 9:12 PM on December 14, 2011

Also Under Armor socks (size medium) fit mens sizes 4-8.5.
posted by oceano at 9:48 PM on December 14, 2011

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