Thanksgiving idiocy and ovenproof bags
November 24, 2011 11:49 AM   Subscribe

We purchased a precooked turkey for Thanksgiving from Zabar's. We are getting ready to heat it up. The turkey is wrapped tightly in an open weave netting type bag which is tied shut. It is then has a clear plastic bag over it. The instructions say: Do not remove from oven proof bag. We are several idiots in disagreement about whether the plastic bag is the oven proof bag. Is there someone here (preferable who has ordered from Zabar's) who can clarify?
posted by kimdog to Food & Drink (10 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
take a cigarette lighter to a small portion of the plastic bag. If it melts/burns, it is not oven-proof. Note that the bag not melting does not guarantee that it *is* oven-proof. My feelings are that if you put the plastic bag in the oven, you will most likely get a turkey covered in melted plastic and an unholy stench of melted plastic smoke. Also, no turkey that I have ever seen being cooked has been cooked in a plastic bag.
posted by tylerkaraszewski at 11:59 AM on November 24, 2011

Best answer: Zabar's is open on Thanksgiving. Why not call them? (212) 787-2000

Also, no turkey that I have ever seen being cooked has been cooked in a plastic bag.

Oven bags are a thing. They are clear plastic.
posted by jedicus at 12:00 PM on November 24, 2011 [7 favorites]

We cooked a bird like this (leaving it in that big clear oven bag). Freaked us out, but it kept the bird moist.

It'll definitely melt if you put a lighter to it. The flame from your lighter is a lot hotter than the temperature inside your oven.
posted by spikeleemajortomdickandharryconnickjrmints at 12:02 PM on November 24, 2011

Also, no turkey that I have ever seen being cooked has been cooked in a plastic bag.

Au contraire -- oven bags are actually pretty common. Chances are that this turkey will be really, really dry if you try to cook it without the plastic bag.
posted by vorfeed at 12:02 PM on November 24, 2011

It should be the clear plastic bag, not the weave bag (which would not keep the moisture in). Oven bags are used a lot. They work well.
posted by carter at 12:07 PM on November 24, 2011

If the outer bag is significantly thinner than a Ziploc freezer bag, it is probably an oven-proof bag.
posted by jamjam at 12:07 PM on November 24, 2011

Apparently I am wrong. At least I'm not the only one who thinks putting plastic in the oven seems crazy, though.
posted by tylerkaraszewski at 12:09 PM on November 24, 2011 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Okay people... first off we didn't realize that Zabar's was open. Although there phone has been busy both times we called. I think we can now be confident that the plastic bag is indeed the ovenproof bag of which they speak! Thanks Mefites, and happy Thanksgiving!
posted by kimdog at 12:39 PM on November 24, 2011

Apparently I am wrong. At least I'm not the only one who thinks putting plastic in the oven seems crazy, though.

It is crazy. But the modern world is crazy, and thus every thing fits perfectly. Happy Thanksgiving.
posted by sbutler at 12:51 PM on November 24, 2011 [3 favorites]

Response by poster: Just to follow up. The bag was totally oven proof. They bird was totally delicious. Several seasoned turkey cookers were mightily impressed by how perfect it was. So thumbs up for Zabar's turkey!
posted by kimdog at 9:02 AM on November 28, 2011

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