I need to make some things.
September 6, 2011 11:37 AM   Subscribe

I want to make some stuff, some art in Atlanta. Where can I go?

In the past, I really enjoyed casually making art. This was facilitated by art classes in school, working at a papermaking museum, dating a guy wicked into woodwork, etc, basically having access to all kinds of materials, supplies, and inspiration. I'd really like to get back into making art, but find myself frustrated by the lack of space and/or supplies.

Are there any good group classes, studios, collectives, etc. that you know of in Atlanta that can help me make art again?

I really like painting, collage, transfer/mixed media, and woodworking, but could be into just about anything.
posted by stormygrey to Media & Arts (5 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Many of my friends have raved about Sips 'n Strokes. I think there are other places like it around the city too. It's marketed towards groups, but I think you would have just as much fun going alone. And there's no rule that says you have to go along with the "lesson plan."
posted by litnerd at 12:30 PM on September 6, 2011

I just moved from Atlanta. Here are a few off the top of my head:

Mudfire pottery -- http://www.mudfire.com/
Amalgam Arts - http://www.amalgamartsatlanta.com/
Highland Woodworking - http://www.highlandwoodworking.com/

Emory University offered some decent evening classes in painting, and the art classes at Georgia Perimeter are pretty decent and tuition is cheap.
posted by danielle the bee at 2:20 PM on September 6, 2011

There are several community arts centers which offer a wide variety of visual arts classes: Spruill Center for the Arts , Callanwolde, Chastain Arts Center.
posted by MelissaSimon at 2:39 PM on September 6, 2011

Best answer: I've never been so maybe I'm mistaken, but what you want sounds like exactly what Wonderroot was designed to facilitate.
posted by wondercow at 8:19 PM on September 6, 2011 [1 favorite]

Best answer: The Atlanta mini maker faire is on Saturday, at GA Tech, from 10-5, and free.

I think Wonderroot will be there, and it might be a good place to meet up with some folks, if you're interested.
posted by needlegrrl at 9:55 AM on September 7, 2011 [1 favorite]

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