Good shoe store for men in the Triangle?
September 6, 2011 6:40 AM   Subscribe

Shoe stores with skilled fitters and quality shoes in the Research Triangle, North Carolina, USA?

So I'm really tall, and I wear anywhere from a size 12.5 to a size 14 depending on the brand, and I have really narrow feet for my size. Ergo I have trouble finding comfortable, work-appropriate shoes.

I used to go to the excellent Morgan's Shoes in Madison, but I don't live there any more. Do you all know of any shoe stores that sell brands like NAOT, etc and have good staff on hand to help me hunt down a comfortable casual-ish shoe?

Thank you!
posted by rachelpapers to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (5 answers total)
Best answer: Have you tried this?

Hope it helps!
posted by foxhat10 at 9:04 AM on September 6, 2011

Best answer: sorry, meant to point out that it looks like there is a store on Six Forks Road.
posted by foxhat10 at 9:05 AM on September 6, 2011

Best answer: I just found a store like this in Triangle Town Center. They even had a foot scanner for automatic sizing (stand on the pad with no shoes on, a computer tells you your shoe size and width). I tried on some very comfortable Danskos there; they also had Naots, I believe.

There's also a good shoe store like this (Birkenstocks, etc.) in Eastgate Shopping Center in Chapel Hill. And another (I think it's still there) in Renaissance Center near Southpoint Mall.

Finally, I've seen some promising shoes in Nordstrom (including Danskos) at Southpoint, and the staff in Nordstrom is usually knowledgeable, but I'd probably try the other places first unless I happened to be at Southpoint for some reason.
posted by amtho at 9:23 AM on September 6, 2011

Response by poster: Thanks, y'all. I've also had an offline recommendation for Townsend & Bertram in Carr Mill Mall.
posted by rachelpapers at 6:20 AM on September 7, 2011

Oh yeah! They're great.

Also, there's a lovely chocolaterie in there, and if you go on the weekend, stop by the attached Weaver Street Market and get a "rustic baguette" -- it's the only place I know of in the Triangle with a steam-injected oven, so the baguettes are really special. The Carrboro Farmer's Market (Saturdays until 12:00) is nice, too.
posted by amtho at 1:05 AM on September 8, 2011

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