Will my brother be getting the short end of the stick?
July 23, 2011 7:55 PM   Subscribe

Verizon Wireless Warranty and Insurance - Phone used on account different than it's original.

I upgraded to an iPhone 4 a few months back. I've decided that I am an an Android guy and I made a mistake by getting this phone. My brother, on his separate account, is up for an upgrade. He is planning on getting the iPhone and I told him that if he ordered an Android phone I wanted I would give him my phone and a little extra cash for the hassle.

The question, I have the extended warranty and the asurion monthly insurance on this phone. Will he be able to have both on it? Anybody ever purchases a phone via eBay, do what I'm doing??

Thanks for any input.
posted by CancerStick to Technology 2 users marked this as a favorite
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