Windsurfing in Hawaii
June 20, 2011 12:55 PM   Subscribe

Where to windsurf on the Big Island (Hawaii)?

I'll be travelling to Hawaii for a week in early July with my boyfriend. We've both windsurfed before but only for a few hours each; we'd like to find a good instructor to teach us a bit more somewhere on the Big Island. I think we'd be most interested in a 1 or 2 day setup for beginners.

We'll fly in and out of Kona but already plan on getting a rental car and spending some time on the eastern side of the island as well as near Volcano Nat'l Park too, so anywhere on the island is ok. Bonus points if you can recommend somewhere to stay near your fabulous windsurfing location!

I've already read all of these questions:1 2 3 4 5, which have info on the Big Island (which is the only one we have time to visit), but of course any other info people have is appreciated too.
posted by nat to Travel & Transportation around Hawaii (1 answer total)
In Hawaii huh?
Hookipa Beach Park is for probably the most experienced. MUCH to rough for anyone I know. So, I'm not all that sure why I'm even wasting your time telling you ha.

So your real answer would be Kihei and/or Lahaina. You can rent gear which is great if you're somewhat mild. From what I've heard. anywhere you can buy gear, you can have an instructor.

Good luck, I think you'll love the sensation of gliding through the water. [:

Oh, I was JUST google-ing (is that a word? Ha) for extra information to see if I could find something I didn't already know, and this was one of the websites:
posted by MissRebekahAbyss at 7:09 AM on July 25, 2011 [1 favorite]

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