Who repair computers and cellphones in South America?
May 26, 2011 4:23 PM   Subscribe

Who are the After Market Services (AMS) providors in South America (esp. in Brazil), in Spain and Portugal, as well as in Italy?

I am interested in finding companies that offer warranty, repair and related logistics services for large telecom and computer brands (Nokia, Dell, Fujitsu etc.) in South America (esp. in Brazil), in Spain and Portugal, as well as in Italy.

In Europe and the US large brand manufactures by those AMS services from less know providors. I would like to know who those are in those specific areas, as I have never heard from them.

posted by Doggiebreath to Technology (1 answer total)
Response by poster: Ok. I found the answer myself. Check out this website.
posted by Doggiebreath at 8:50 AM on July 17, 2011

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