Mysterious green/white flower
April 21, 2011 11:46 PM   Subscribe

Can you help me identify this flower? I saw it in a park (in England, if that matters) the other day.

Here's a second picture. There are multiple flowers on each stalk, and six petals on each flower. The petals are green with white edges. The leaves look like a bit like snowdrop leaves, long and dark green. I'd say the plant is about 8-12 inches high.
posted by bibliophibianj to Science & Nature (7 answers total)
I'm 90% sure that's a lily. It's got a different color than any I've ever seen before, but sure looks like a lily.
posted by kjell at 11:49 PM on April 21, 2011

Dipcadi serotinum is the closest I could get with my nifty plant-identifier app.. It's greener than most of those shots but maybe a variant?
posted by Erasmouse at 12:05 AM on April 22, 2011

Or, three-cornered garlic, seems closer..
posted by Erasmouse at 12:12 AM on April 22, 2011

Looks like an Ornithogalum to me.
posted by Solomon at 12:32 AM on April 22, 2011

It's definitely not three-cornered leeks/garlic.
posted by Lebannen at 12:59 AM on April 22, 2011

Best answer: ornithogalum nutans
posted by batmonkey at 1:37 AM on April 22, 2011

Response by poster: Batmonkey has it! I came across the Star of Bethlehem when I was searching, but hadn't found that species.
posted by bibliophibianj at 2:22 AM on April 22, 2011

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