casting a broad net
April 3, 2011 6:28 PM   Subscribe

Looking for work in June and July. Somewhere other than the US.

This is not dissimilar to one past question I asked, but the parameters are a little different. I would like to live somewhere outside the US for these two months. I am willing to invest in a perhaps expensive plane ticket, but I would like to be as financially solvent as possible once there. The more concrete a lead you can give me the better. All help is appreciated-- very happy to hear creative ideas.

Assorted factors:

--I would love to have the opportunity to live in a Spanish-speaking environment.
--I speak fluent French and ok Hindi. I have lived in France (Brittany) and India (Rajasthan) and am very interested to return to those languages/cultures.
--I am highly adaptable, flexible, and easygoing. I am not a shrinking violet when it comes to travel.
--As long as I'm not hemorrhaging funds, I would rather be poorer with more free time than making more decent money and too busy to be present in my surroundings.
--I have relevant experience in the tourism/service industry; on the fancier side, I have a BA in linguistics and will be going to grad school in urban planning in the fall.
--Teaching English is sort of a natural fit for my skills/experience, but to be honest I disprefer it in this context. That said, if that is what I must do, do it I shall.
--I am aware of the concept of WWOOFing. If you have very specific WWOOFing ideas, though, feel free to let it fly; otherwise, I'm familiar with the idea.

General ideas I've come up with:

--working in a hostel/hotel for room and board. If you know a good in to this, I'm all ears.
--summer camps abroad (usually English-language-oriented). Anyone know any specific ones?

Things that are a bit more creative than this are very, very welcome. If you're hesitant to post something, err on the side of excess. Thanks in advance!
posted by threeants to Travel & Transportation (5 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Response by poster: Also, I am a US citizen of unitary nationality.
posted by threeants at 6:29 PM on April 3, 2011

There are a lot of options like wwoofing that aren't necessarily working on a farm-- I mean, where you can get your housing/food covered by working, but won't earn money. Workaway is one database of such opportunities, but I don't know if it's the best. is a database of organizations in central and south america, and many of them provide food and board in return for volunteer hours (moreso if you speak spanish/are useful/can commit to a long time there.)

In terms of working in hostels, I've never done it myself but I know a lot of people who have and I think mostly they just sort of showed up and asked for work and got lucky. Maybe there's a more organized way of going about it, but that was the impression that I always got.
posted by geegollygosh at 7:57 PM on April 3, 2011

How old are you? If you're mid 20's or younger, you could have some luck doing summer aupairing. (yes, there are aupair jobs for guys! Usually families with sons, of course.) Most summer positions are pretty awesome, too. All the friends I known who have done it have spent their summer island hopping in the Mediterranean, visiting exclusive resorts, or living on a boat, or traveling Europe with their host family. For just a summer position, most don't pay for your flight, but you'll get all expenses paid, plus $500-$1000/month. Not bad! This site has lots of opportunities, you just have to search well.
posted by hasna at 8:54 PM on April 3, 2011 [1 favorite]

Come to Korea for a summer camp. I'll even buy you a beer.
posted by chrisinseoul at 9:17 AM on April 4, 2011

Best answer:
posted by stubborn at 10:44 AM on April 4, 2011

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