What is the best way to build sources and contacts in sports journalism ?
April 1, 2011 1:02 AM   Subscribe

What is the best way to build contacts and sources in sports journalism without being labelled as a stalker ? I recognise there is a thin line between the sources (mostly celebrities) and the reporters who may be star struck.
posted by Yiba to Writing & Language (3 answers total)
I don't really think someone breaks into sports journalism by 'scoring' an interview with a star.

I think you start out by doing analysis and commentary, and build up credibility over time.

(But if you really just want to try to get close to a star, admit that you just want to be a papparratzi. But don't expect any respect).
posted by ovvl at 4:46 AM on April 1, 2011

What kind of journalism are you talking about? Not that I made it to the celebrity level exactly, but in my case it was pretty organic; I was covering events for my newspapers and talking to the people I needed to quote to write. Had I been less introverted, it would have been natural to talk to some bigger names who were at those events, but I only would have done that if they made my story better. But there were other writers who would have interviewed those bigger names, knowing that it would interest their readers.

If you're talking about Pat Jordan-style sportswriting, that's different, and I don't know a lot about that.
posted by troywestfield at 6:12 AM on April 1, 2011

Start with the PR person. Say you're starting yiba.com and it's all about Major League Soccer. Go to MLS.com and find the pr person. Email them and say you write about soccer and in particular whatever your home team is. Ask them when their press conferences and athlete availability are. Go to them. Watch what everyone else does. When it comes time for the part where the reporters interview the athletes, go with them. Hang back and watch what everyone else does. Have a few questions in mind in case you get called on. Rinse and repeat.
posted by haqspan at 8:38 AM on April 1, 2011 [1 favorite]

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