Best Tools for Learning Prepositions?
March 18, 2011 6:49 AM   Subscribe

What's the best book on using prepositions, with a great list of prepositions, for a Spanish > English translator? (more with books that haven't worked before the fold)

A friend is prepping for the Spanish > English translator certification test. She's currently certified for English > Spanish. Spanish is her first language, English is her second.

She's having the most trouble with picking the right prepositions and I'd like to get her a book that will help her.

She has English Prepositions Explained (she has the older edition) and the first edition of the BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English. Both have been helpful, but neither's really given her what she needed.

Any suggestions? Ideally there would be a small book that she could bring with her into the exam that would be helpful (she says books are allowed).
posted by eleanna to Writing & Language (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Maybe there is a good book of phrasal verbs? When I was teaching ESL that was something my students continually found confusing.

Ok it looks like there might be.
posted by ropeladder at 7:08 AM on March 18, 2011

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