Help me find news links for sendai
March 11, 2011 11:48 AM   Subscribe

Trying to find sites with details on the current situation in Sendai (specifically)

Most news sites seem to be covering the effects of the earthquake in Japan in general, or Tokyo in specific. These are somewhat helpful, but my girlfriend is not in Tokyo. She's in Sendai. I'm looking for any sites that cover sendai in detail. What is the up to date situation on damage, injuries, power, heat, phone, water, transportation, etc?

I can read english and spanish and (very slowly) japanese. Resources in any of these languages will work. Unfortunately, my japanese is not good enough to find this information on my own, although I can probably decipher it if found for me .

I'm on my phone, so please excuse typos

Thank you so much!
posted by yeolcoatl to Computers & Internet (8 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Here is information on finding / providing information on someone:

And here is the other information Google is helping provide:

I'm sorry if this is not directly pertaining to Sendai, but with these links, you should be able to narrow your search.
posted by darkgroove at 12:04 PM on March 11, 2011

Response by poster: Google Crisis Response is definitely helpful and has good links on the power situation. Keep it up!
posted by yeolcoatl at 12:16 PM on March 11, 2011

If you're trying to contact your girlfriend and need help locating her, you can email the US state department: and You can also call them toll free @ 1-888-407-4747.

Japan Earthquake: Resources for Finding Information on People

2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami wiki
posted by plokent at 12:29 PM on March 11, 2011

Response by poster: She got in touch with me briefly about 8 hours ago. I imagine she's sleeping right now.
posted by yeolcoatl at 12:45 PM on March 11, 2011

Response by poster: Still looking for updates, especially on the status of utilities.
posted by yeolcoatl at 2:28 PM on March 11, 2011

Try this:
posted by Old Geezer at 3:39 PM on March 11, 2011 has live stream links to Japanese TV News in the comments section.

US Ambassador to Japan John Roos urges Americans living in Miyagi prefecture (Sendai) to contact the US embassy (email
posted by plokent at 10:17 PM on March 11, 2011

Best answer: Answering my own question. Pretty good details are here:

Google Translate edition
posted by yeolcoatl at 12:40 PM on March 12, 2011 [1 favorite]

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