How to count a cribbage hand.
December 6, 2010 3:16 PM   Subscribe

Counting-Filter: A friend once asked me how many points the entire 52-card deck is worth in the game of Cribbage...not that you could actually be dealt the whole deck, but just a curiosity.

So, assuming you were holding the whole deck, I count 32744 points in Fifteens, 67108864 points in Runs, and 156 points in pairs, for a total of 67,141,764 points for the whole deck. I obviously didn't include Right Jack (Nobs) or Flushes.

My questions: 1. Is this the correct number? 2. Can you describe a better way to count than I did it (listed out the 129 admissible partitions of 15 and performed some multiplication)?
posted by klausman to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (5 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
I would think a mystery element of combinations and order of play would determine the "go" points. The pairs element seems low given that you can score 12 points for quads 13 different ways and score 6 points for trips more than 13 ways.
posted by brent at 3:55 PM on December 6, 2010

Response by poster: If by "go" points you are referring to the pegging phase of the game, then that brings up an additional (harder and equally useless) question: How do you maximize your points in pegging when you are the only player and have the whole deck.

I'm just wanting to know about the 2nd phase where you count up your hand.

As for the pairs points, the only reason triples are worth 6 is that there are three ways to make a pair in three cards, and each of those pairs is worth 2 points. If you have the whole deck, then you actually have no triples...only quads.
posted by klausman at 4:05 PM on December 6, 2010

Best answer: Strumchum thinks it is: TOTAL: 67,138,162 points in a cribbage deck and shows how they arrived at it.
posted by unliteral at 5:34 PM on December 6, 2010

Response by poster: Thanks!

That's how I did it, one of us (at least) made some mistake. I don't understand the points for "suits", though, since the only points I'm aware of in that regard is for a "flush"...all the same suit.
posted by klausman at 5:55 PM on December 6, 2010

A flush is 4 or more of the same suit, one point per card.
So, 4 flushes (suits) of 13 = 52

This whole thing just goes to prove that Uncle Ed was right when he said, "Always keep the run."

But we knew that.
posted by SLC Mom at 10:27 PM on December 6, 2010

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