Electroswing me!
November 16, 2010 4:31 PM   Subscribe

I've started really getting into Caravan Palace. [a] What else should I be listening to? (Last.fm has a very few good suggestions, but quickly degenerates into rap, R&B or other blandness) [b] Where in London (UK) can I go to dance to this stuff?

I'm mostly after: the high-energy, mostly cheerful melodies; swung or entertainingly complex rhythms (Thumpin' bass a definite bonus); interesting, varied use of instruments.

posted by metaBugs to Media & Arts (6 answers total) 14 users marked this as a favorite
What suggestions did you like from last.fm?
posted by nomadicink at 5:42 PM on November 16, 2010

Best answer: [a]

Parov Stelar
Mr Scruff
Der Dritte Raum
Cantine Bopp
G Swing
Chinese Man
Lyre Le Temps
Atomic Drop
Bart & Baker


It's played quite a lot in second/third rooms at psy parties and in the Shoreditch area.
posted by turkeyphant at 5:57 PM on November 16, 2010

Response by poster: nomadicink - The only artist name I can remember is Lyre Le Temps, who have some great tracks on their album. There were more, but my memory is terrible and I can't find a way on Last.fm to see a list of the tracks I've "loved".

turkeyphant - Thanks! I'll work my way through those over the afternoon, see what sticks.

I'll have a look around the bars in Shoreditch, see if I can find any promising-sounding parties :).
posted by metaBugs at 4:43 AM on November 17, 2010

Best answer: You might check out Mocean Worker.
posted by chairface at 10:36 AM on November 17, 2010

Best answer: I can't find a way on Last.fm to see a list of the tracks I've "loved".

posted by turkeyphant at 1:25 PM on November 17, 2010

Best answer: La Caravane Passe
La Cherga
Les Doigts De L'homme
!Dela Dap
The Lost Fingers
Nicolas Repac
Antwerp Gipsy-Ska Orkestra

Club nights such as Stranger than Paradise often put on this sort of thing in London, also check out Kazum's site for related events. Le Quecumbar specialises in Django-style gypsy swing, mostly straight acoustic but occasionally they have acts that mix it up a bit more.
posted by amestoy at 12:52 PM on November 20, 2010

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