Best way to archive and catalog old files?
October 24, 2010 5:56 PM   Subscribe

What is a good (and preferably inexpensive) way to safely archive and catalog old files that I want to keep but no longer want on my laptop?

I have an external hard drive and an extra SATA drive with a USB dock. What is a good way to store and keep old files safe as well as keep track of what I have? I use a Mac, so Mac specific ideas are a plus.
posted by stevechemist to Computers & Internet (1 answer total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
DevonThink Pro has an "index" function that allows you to keep the files on the hard drive while at the same time organizing them into folders, independent of organization under Finder. I think it indexes the contents as well, so that they may be searched for word or phrases.
posted by yclipse at 6:16 PM on October 24, 2010

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