Can a gaijin get a gig?
October 14, 2010 6:37 AM   Subscribe

Are there places in the Kansai area of Japan (at least Kobe, Osaka or Kyoto) where a gaijin with a guitar could play a few tunes?

I'll be spending three weeks over Christmas with my family-in-law in Kobe, with likely jaunts to nearby cities. I've been a few times before, and it struck me that it might make for an interesting project to see if there were anywhere I could play a few songs (originals, faintly jazzy acoustic stuff). Here in the UK (and in the US and Europe) there would be open mic nights in some bars. Are there such things, or equivalent, in Japan?

More importantly, can anyone give me specific examples?

I must confess I possess neither youth, nor beauty nor any kind of star quality. But I can borrow a guitar.
posted by Grangousier to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
Googling "open mic" + city name brings up a few specific examples. Consider using these as your backup list of possibilities if no-one offers a personal recommendation.
posted by No-sword at 1:43 PM on October 14, 2010

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