Where's Waldo? - The Music Version
August 16, 2010 9:13 PM   Subscribe

Where can I find this type of music-inspired art?

I'm looking for some images featuring a bunch of songs or artists represented by a bunch of different scenes in the image.

Example: This Iron Maiden picture has Eddie, the band, and a number of references to their songs ("Two Minutes to Midnight" represented by the clock, "Aces High" represented by the Aces High Bar, etc.)

I've seen a couple others like this before. I love this style of art and bonus points if you can find a link to purchase a poster or print of the image. I'm mostly interested in rock (especially classic rock), but pretty much any band genre of music would be great.
posted by Kippersoft to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
Best answer: This ad for Virgin Digital from 2005 may be similar to what you're looking for.

It was mentioned here a while ago on the blue.
posted by Wemmick at 8:34 PM on August 22, 2010

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