Cheap Pint Chicago?
August 9, 2010 3:30 PM   Subscribe

Where can I get a PBR in the loop?

Dear Hivemind,

I went to school in Chicago, but always did my drinking in a park. Lincoln Park, Wicker Park, Hyde Park (i.e. Jimmy's). But I've never really gotten a pint in the loop. A dear friend of my SO recently moved to town, and would like to meet she and I for a drink, but doesn't want to schlep all the way to HP just to go to Jimmy's. Our compromise was to meet downtown...

So, where can I get a cheap pint downtown?

Three requirements:
1) Not too fancy/expensive (we went to the Violet Hour last night and are feeling poor)
2) Within walking distance of Millennium Station (or any other station on the Metra Electric Line.)
3) Nothing too loud or sporty. We'd like to get a chance to talk with this friend.

Hugs and kisses,
posted by chicago2penn to Food & Drink (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Closer to the Station: Exchequer, Wabash between Adams and Jackson

Cheaper Beer: Stocks and Blondes, Washington and Wells
posted by hwyengr at 3:53 PM on August 9, 2010

I used to go to Miller's Pub. I remember the Exchequer too.
posted by Max Power at 4:16 PM on August 9, 2010

Came in here to say: Exchequer.

Also to say: do not think that the South Loop Club (which you've no doubt gone by on the 6 a kajillion times) will be cheap just because it is crappy looking.
posted by dizziest at 6:19 PM on August 9, 2010

If Cal's Liquor doesn't carry PBR, I would be heartily stunned.

(I'm an Old Style girl, myself).
posted by bibliogrrl at 7:19 PM on August 9, 2010

Very close to MM Pk station: Billy Goat Tavern under the Wrigley Building.

Points for: cheap beer, subterranean digs, manages to retain an old-man-bar character while being a tourist treat.
posted by fiveoclockrock at 8:02 AM on August 11, 2010

Yep, Exchequer, Billy Goat or Miller's are probably the leading options. There's also Monk's Pub in the northwest corner of the Loop, though I'm not positive they serve PBR on tap.
posted by me3dia at 1:17 PM on August 11, 2010

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