Looking for Open Source software to help collect data from people in the field via cell phone / sms or web
June 21, 2010 1:18 PM   Subscribe

Looking for Open Source software to help collect data from people in the field via cell phone / web or sms

I'm looking for an Open Source application to help me collect data from the field.

The type of data to be collected would be things akin to potholes.
The users should be able to report issues from an iPhone, regular web or possibly sms(very optional).

Data to be collected:
GPS and/or street location
optional notes
optional photo
"one button" collection would be great since there may be 10s of items to be collected per block
Cycle time for a reported issue should be short so many can be logged in one pass
Logins/user accounts would be needed to prevent spamming or data pollution
Data visualization via scrollable Google map (or equivalent)

I could modify code if there was something close but not quite right (e.g. a graffiti reporting system)

SeeClickFix is not appropriate for this data since the items recorded wouldn't be fixed by the city (potholes and graffiti are just examples, not what is to be collected)

PHP/Python/Java would be my top choices for languages.
No problem with any open source license

Simple is better.

Any suggestions?
posted by bottlebrushtree to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Development Seed did this with SlingshotSMS and Managing News, which is an installation profile for Drupal. (What can't Drupal do?)
posted by Brian Puccio at 1:36 PM on June 21, 2010

The (Django) app source for fixmystreet.ca is on Github. Should cover you nicely.
posted by genghis at 3:36 PM on June 21, 2010

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